Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Something from nothing
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Blog expertise needed
Sunday, June 21, 2009
New ways with black
Friday, June 19, 2009
Winter solstice
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Being a Caroline

Fountains in Paris Skirt (upside down!)

I decided to cut my 'fountains upside down' - I liked them better that way. I altered he Burda pattern slightly by not allowing the button flap to open. This allowed me to insert the piping more easily. Pure laziness!
I'm happy with the way it turned out. Matching the pattern was quite difficult and I needed extra fabric to do it. I'm planning to wear this with a bright red silk blouse and my cropped black leather jacket while the weather is cooler. I'm wearing this in the photo, but It didn't quite work out. I can see why everyone is making this skirt - its fairly quick and looks great in a range of fabrics and weights. I will make another one for summer in linen.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Chanel envy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First to Carol for her cyber friendship and support. We must have coffee when you are in Sydney!
Then in no particular order: to Lindsay T for pure New York style and admirable sewing skills; to Mary Nanna for quirky style and wit (and as an apology for a rude comment I left on your blog once!); to Cafe Couture for the best of French chic and because I miss her (Où êtes-vous ?); to Gay for her dedication to passing on crafting and sewing skills and finally to Amanda the first sewing blog I ever saw.
If you gals want to join the mutual admiration society heres what to do. To pass this on these bloggists should copy and paste this award to their own posts.Then choose 5 or more blogs that they have recently found and link to them from their posts. Then they need to go to those blogs and let the fellow bloggists know they have been awarded.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Addiction to black
I am aiming to inject some colour into my winter wardrobe. So why have I just sewn a "wearable muslin" in black crushed velvet?
Mental note to myself - don't finish it. Whip up something in that red or green in the stash.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Nothing is impossible...just difficult