Which pattern/vintage style have you been thinking about lately?
A few actually. In moments of weakness I’ve bought vintage patterns on Ebay and I also have a few in my stash that have matured into vintage items through

What's the one place you want to visit that you've never been to before?
One place? Come off it, I’m a traveller with big dreams and a half empty wallet. My next dream holiday is Spain, Portugal and Morocco. I also have retirement plans, a round trip from Greece through Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and back to Greece. A spell in the Greek islands would be civilised. I’m also up for a road trip around America visiting my blogging friends. I’ve got a friend in Chicago who is documentary film maker. Great concept just need a financer.
How do you relax?
Sewing is definitely part of my down time. I also read, go the theatre, and walk my dog. I’m blessed to live in one of the world’s most beautiful cities and have special places here – Balmoral Beach, Waverton Reserve and Centennial Park. I love dining at home or outdoors with friends – especially with a few bottles of good Australian chardonnay or shiraz.
What is your favourite holiday?
The best holiday I ever had I took on my own. My daughter was on an exchange scholarship to a private girl’s school on the Upper East Side of New York. I had eight glorious days in New York visiting. My days I had to myself, wandering wherever I wanted, seeing all the galleries and shops I wanted at my own pace. By night, I teamed up with my daughter, met her friends and her friends’ parents. We went to Broadway shows, ate in great restaurants and in some pretty swanky private homes. Perfect.
What is one sewing skill you want to learn/try out?
I am working on a new Chanel jacket using couture techniques. I’m learning quilted lining, and welt pockets and couture button holes. We had a workshop on the weekend at the sewing guild that helped a lot
Can you knit? Crochet? Other crafting talents?
I don’t knit or crochet. I do embroider. My proudest embroidery achievements were my daughter’s tallits (prayer shawls) made for their Bat Mitzvahs. I don’t have photographs of the younger daughter’s one which uses appliqué techniques. I’d love to try fabric art, but while the inclination is strong, I definitely don’t have time.
What garment/accessory do you wear the most?
My black ponte skirt - I've literally worn it out. My favourite accessories are a silver pendant I bought in Jordan, my collection of pashmina scarves (It’s been cold). I’m also fond of some red wooden beads on leather made by Elk.
How much time do you spend reading blogs? (Per day or per week?)
Too much. I follow too many sewer and don’t have the heart to unfollow anyone.
Your motto/mantra?
What the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
I’m also quite fond of “Life is too short to be idle”, but both husbie and the DD’s tell me that I sound totally manic when I say it.
I think at this point I’m meant to tag others. Like Judy, a lot of the sewers I admire have already been tagged or are always chosen. So I’m choose
j.kaori designs Who sews the most incredible, unique garments with style and finesse
Jorth A fellow Aussie sewer from the other end of this wide brown land who deserves more attention than she gets, and
Miss Muslin An Aussie of style who went to the US to beat the Yanks at their own game. She says it was for love, but we know!
Sadly, I’m all out of blogging time.