My other little niggles -and believe me they are little ones- are that despite lengthening them from the mid calf length pattern, and lengthening them from the muslin they are a fraction too short; and I accidentially put in the invisible zip on my left side. Now this is not an ascetic problem, but try getting them done up again when you've had a few glasses of wine at your own dinner party!?
On the plus side, I very happy with the fit. I love the way they can be worn with ballet flats or chunky high heeled sandals and that I can wear them into the cooler months.
Some of you may recognise the blouse. It had rather cute sleeves in an earlier life, but those sleeves for some reason threw the whole fit of the shoulders out. I tried to rotate them to no avail, so I binned them and added some of the vintage seam binding I bought on ebay. I have 67 cards of the stuff! It is very light and in my opinion, must nicer to use than the stuff we use today.

What's next? I am nearly finished my leopard print cape jacket. I am doing the jacket a month challenge but in a very uncommitted way. This pattern would be Very Easy Vogue if it didn't have a massive Vogue drafting error - the collar piece is 5 cms longer than it should be. So I need to retify this and complete. Then I am making a self-drafted blouse in white linen. And yes ladies...there will be a muslin and it will be IRONED.
Thanks for all your help. Your tut tutting is turning me from slap dash to a 'precision sewer' as Lindsay T puts it.