My lovely blogger friend Cindy sent me 2 1/2 yards of beautiful silk tweed for my Chanel challenge jacket. The colours are much more muted than they appear in the photograph. It arrrived from the US just in time as my muslin is completed.
Spring is on the way here, so I am making a three quarter sleeved version of Simplicity 4954, a simple classic Chanel style with no closure. I am considering plaiting three colours of super-fine pleated chiffon for the trim. I want a light and feminine feel. The plan is to wear with a matching chiffon blouse and white trousers.
I'm also working on a BWOF June 09/108 blouse which is 50th birthday present for my friend of 37 years Dianne. I really need to finish this before the weekend. I'm using fabric almost identical to the one published in the magazine. She lives 700 miles away, but we spent a girls weekend in Noosa recently and I was able to do a tissue fit.
My other major project is my dress for DD's valedictory dinner. I went into David Jones (major department store) and tried on a Dianne Von Furstenberg dress in this style. 
While it looks rather simple in this picture, the one I tried on was in a beautiful floral silk and worn unbelted, looked very elegant and understated. At $545 I couldn't contemplate buying it, but will make my own. I have a gorgeous piece of silk in beige, red and pink that I will use. I am drafting the pattern at the moment. Interestingly the workmanship wasn't too great for a garment of that price. While it was lined, the sleeves were attached only with an overlock stitch. I will wear the dress with my Sophie Kyron necklace that I wore at my youngest daughter's Bat Mitzvah.