Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I was looking on Ebay at patterns and saw this dress pattern from 1972. I made this dress (yes the really short version) in 1972 in purple voile. Oh my I thought I was stylish. I remember the dress being very well made, but that didn't impress the nuns when I wore it on a free dress day to my convent school.
I showed my daughter who is the same age as I was in 72. She was not impressed. "You wore that?" she asked incredulously. Strange, I'm asking myself the same question


  1. Oh wow, you made the really short version? Wow. And now you have two teenage girls. If I was your momma I might have tried to bar you from exiting the house in such a short dress! LOL

  2. wOW! That short version is REALLY short! :) I'm sure the nuns probably just shook their heads while escorting you to the door...
    LOL! I wasn't that gutsy... I'll have to find some of my favorites that I made as a teenager!

  3. You know you were not the only one to make that version of the pattern way back when. lol. Plus, the fact that it was made well shows your passion. Still - those Nuns must have been upset!

  4. I like to show my daughter the patterns I made back in the seventies. She also is not impressed.

  5. That is so cute (and short!). I bet you looked wonderful in it - purple is such a lovely colour and it's still very much fashion.

  6. I bet your were absolutely adorable in that dress!

  7. Kindred spirits! I too made and wore the shortie version of that very pattern...and was (I'm sure) equally excited when I saw the pattern online. Mine was even red polka dot. And guess what? Not one other girl at school ever had a dress like mine!

  8. You know, I'll bet it was rather cute! I have seen pictures of my mother teaching back around 1966ish that were even shorter!! Now students aren't allowed to wear dresses that short, much less the teachers!
    Styles come and go. Your daughter will soon ask you to make a dress just like that for her!

  9. yeap, I wore them that short in the early seventies. Sometimes is better not to look back...

  10. I wore them that short in the late 60s too. We all did. I even had hot pants that my mom bought me! How did we get away with it?

  11. Yeah - we all did - actually wish I COULD now! Nah - cool patterns!

  12. How fun! I'm not a huge fan of seventies fashion, but that dress is really cute!

  13. I was born in '72, and I love that design, especially the purple, on the left. I'd even wear it now with skinny jeans.

  14. that's cute! i wish i can see a photo of u and that cute little dress. :)

  15. Had to giggle at your dd's comment "You wore that?". I've shown my dd items I wore back in the day and the response is the
